Professor, CSE
Director, ECSL
- A. Banerjee, J.C. Quiroz, and
S.J. Louis.
A computational model of collaborative creativity: A meta-design approach.
International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science (IJKSS),
2(2):68–87, 2011.
- A. Krontiris, S. Louis, and
K.E. Bekris.
General dynamic formations for non-holonomic systems along planar curvilinear
In Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2011 IEEE International Conference
on, pages 4903–4908. IEEE, 2011.
(PDF, 715370 bytes)
- J. Naruchitparames, MH Giine,
and S.J. Louis.
Friend recommendations in social networks using genetic algorithms and network
In Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2011 IEEE Congress on, pages
2207–2214. IEEE, 2011.
(PDF, 597327 bytes)
- P. Avery and S. Louis.
Coevolving influence maps for spatial team tactics in a rts game.
In Proceedings of the 12th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary
computation, pages 783–790. ACM, 2010.
- P. Avery and S. Louis.
Coevolving team tactics for a real-time strategy game.
In Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2010 IEEE Congress on, pages
1–8. IEEE, 2010.
- A. Krontiris, S. Louis, and
K. Bekris.
Simulating formations of non-holonomic systems with control limits along
curvilinear coordinates.
Motion in Games, pages 121–133, 2010.
(PDF, 868303 bytes)
- P. Avery, S. Louis, and
B. Avery.
Evolving coordinated spatial tactics for autonomous entities using influence
In Computational Intelligence and Games, 2009. CIG 2009. IEEE Symposium
on, pages 341–348. IEEE, 2009.
- J. Quiroz, A. Banerjee,
S. Louis, and S. Dascalu.
Document design with interactive evolution.
New Directions in Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and
Services-2, pages 309–319, 2009.
- Anil Shankar and Sushil J.
Xcs for personalizing desktop interfaces.
IEEE Transactions On Evolutionary Computation, 14(4):547–560,
(PDF, 943879 bytes)
- Banerjee
A., Quiroz J.C., and Louis S.
A model of creative design using collaborative interactive genetic algorithms.
In Proceedings of Design Computing and Cognition 2008, pages
397–416, Netherlands, 2008. Springer.
- Juan C.
Quiroz, Amit Banerjee, and Sushil J. Louis.
Igap: Interactive genetic algorithms peer to peer.
In Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference of Genetic and evolutionary
computation, pages 1719–1720, NY, NY, 2008. ACM.
(PDF, 174234 bytes)
- Leigh R.,
Schonfeld J., and Louis S.
Using coevolution to understand and validate game balance in continuous games.
In Proceedings of the 10th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary
computation, pages 1563–1570, NY, NY, 2008. ACM.
(PDF, 419171 bytes)
- Banerjee
A. and Louis S.
A genetic algorithm implementation of the fuzzy least trimmed squares
In 2007 IEEE International Fuzzy Systems Conference, pages 1–6,
New York, NY, 2007. IEEE.
(PDF, 764753 bytes)
- Banerjee A. and Louis S.
A recursive clustering methodology using a genetic algorithm.
In 2007 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pages
1482–1490, New York, NY, 2007. IEEE.
(PDF, 267284 bytes)
- Shankar
A., Louis S., Dascalu S.,
Houmanfar R., and Hayes L.
User-context for adaptive user interfaces.
In Proceedings of the Intelligent User Interfaces Conference,
pages 321–324, New York, NY, 2007. ACM.
(PDF, 116893 bytes)
- Tavakkoli A., Ambardekar A.,
Nicolescu M., and Louis S.
A genetic approach to training support vector data descriptors for background
modeling in video data.
In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Visual Computing,
pages 318–327, Netherlands, 2007. Springer.
- Miles C.,
Quiroz J., Louis S., and Leigh
Co-evolving influence map tree bases strategy game players.
In Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence
and Games, pages 85–95, NY, NY, 2007. IEEE.
(PDF, 1055138 bytes)
- Quiroz J.
C., Louis S., and Dascalu S.
Interactive evolution of xul user interfaces.
In Proceedings of the 2007 conference on Genetic and Evolutionary
computation, pages 2151–2158, New York, NY, 2007. ACM.
(PDF, 417282 bytes)
- Quiroz
J.C., Shankar A. K., Dascalu S., and
Louis S.
Software environment for research on evolving user interface designs.
In ICSEA 2007. International Conference on Software Engineering
Advances, page 84, NY, NY, 2007. IEEE.
(PDF, 542985 bytes)
- Quiroz
J.C., Louis S., Shankar A., and
Dascalu S.
Interactive genetic algorithms for user interface design.
In Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Congress on Evolutionary
Computation, pages 1919–1927, New York, NY, 2007. IEEE.
(PDF, 400712 bytes)
- Nicolescu M. N., Olenderski
A., Leigh R., Louis S., Dascalu
S., Miles C., Quiroz J. C., and
Aleson R.
A training simulation system with realistic autonomous ship control.
Computational Intelligence, 23(4):497–519, 2007.
(PDF, 320931 bytes)
- Leigh R.,
Louis S., and Miles C.
Using a genetic algorithm to explore a*-like pathfinding algorithms.
In Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence
and Games, pages 72–79, NY, NY, 2007. IEEE.
(PDF, 310814 bytes)
- Anil K
Shankar, Juan C. Quiroz, S. Dascalu,
Sushil Louis, and Monica Nicolescu.
Sycophant: An api for research in context-aware user interfaces.
In Software Engineering Advances, 2007. ICSEA 2007. International
Conference on., page 83. ICSEA 2007, 2007.
(PDF, 551574 bytes)
- Miles C.
and Louis S.
Towards the co-evolution of influence map tree based strategy game players.
In Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence
and Games, pages 75–82, New York, NY, 2006. IEEE.
(PDF, 534736 bytes)
- Chris Miles and Sushil J.
Co-evolving real-time strategy game playing influence map trees with genetic
In Proceedings of the Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pages
0–999, Vancouver, Canada, 2006. IEEE.
(PDF, 712549 bytes)
- Chris Miles and Sushil J
Towards the co-evolution of influence map tree based strategy game players.
In Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence
in Games, New York, 2006. IEEE Press.
(PDF, 534736 bytes)
- Adam Olenderski, Monica
Nicolescu, and Sushil J. Louis.
A behavior-based architecture for autonomous ship control.
In Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence
in Games, pages 148 – 155, New York, 2006. IEEE Press.
(PDF, 603507 bytes)
- Louis S.
Learning to play like a human: Case injected genetic algorithms for strategic
computer gaming.
In SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, Orlando, FL, 2006.
- Louis S. and
Miles C.
Learning to play like a human: Case injected genetic algorithms for strategic
computer gaming.
In Electronic:SPIE Volume 6228, page 9, Orlando, FL, 2006.
- Ryan E.
Leigh, Tony Morelli, Sushil J. Louis,
Monica Nicolescu, and Chris Miles.
Finding attack strategies for predator swarms using genetic algorithms.
In Proceedings of the Congress on Evolutionary Computation. IEEE,
(PDF, 163899 bytes)
- Sushil J. Louis and Chris
Combining case-based memory with genetic
algorithm search for competent game ai.
In Proceedings of the 2005 Workshop on CBR in Games, pages
193–205. ICCBR, 2005.
(PostScript, 13 pages, 6785078 bytes)
(PDF, 499100 bytes)
- Sushil J. Louis and Chris
Playing to learn: Case-injected genetic algorithms for learning to play compuer
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 9(6):669 – 681,
(PDF, 933578 bytes)
- Sushil J. Louis, Chris Miles,
Nicholas Cole, and John McDonnell.
Learning to play like a human:
Case injected genetic algorithms for strategic computer gaming.
In Proceedings of the second Workshop on Military and Security
Applications of Evolutionary Computation, Seattle, WA, pages 6–12,
(PostScript, 5 pages, 4695460 bytes)
(PDF, 220179 bytes)
- Chris Miles and Sushil J
Case-injection improves response time
for a real-time strategy game.
In Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence
in Games, pages 149–156, New York, 2005. IEEE Press.
(PostScript, 8 pages, 19150332 bytes)
(PDF, 338860 bytes)
- Adam Olenderski, Monica
Nicolescu, and Sushil J. Louis.
Robot learning by demonstration using forward models of schema-based behaviors.
In Proceedings, International Conference on Informatics in Control,
Automation and Robotics, pages 14 – 17, Barcelona, Spain, September,
(PDF, 143646 bytes)
- Anil K. Shankar and Sushil J.
Better personalization using learning
classifier systems.
In Proceedings of the second Indian International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence. IICAI, 2005.
(PostScript, 16 pages, 483518 bytes)
(PDF, 245161 bytes)
- Anil K. Shankar and Sushil J.
Learning classifier systems for user context learning.
In Proceedings of the Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pages
2069–2075. IEEE, 2005.
(PDF, 111069 bytes)
- Sam
Talaie, Sushil J. Louis, and Gary L. Raines.
Predicting mining activity with
parallel genetic algorithms.
In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computing Conference,
GECCO 2005, Washington, DC, pages 2149–2156, New York, 2005. ACM
(PostScript, 7 pages, 1319297 bytes)
(PDF, 298330 bytes)
- Kai Xu,
Sushil J. Louis, and Roberto Mancini.
A scalable parallel
genetic algorithm for x-ray spectroscopic analysis.
In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computing Conference,
GECCO 2005, Washington, DC, pages 811–816, New York, 2005. ACM Press.
(PostScript, 6 pages, 1590041 bytes)
(PDF, 953448 bytes)
- Nicholas
Cole, Sushil J. Louis, and Chris Miles.
Using a genetic algorithm to tune
first-person shooter bots.
In Proceedings of the International Congress on Evolutionary Computation,
Portland, Oregon, pages 139–145. IEEE Press, 2004.
(PostScript, 7 pages, 7956962 bytes)
(PDF, 303112 bytes)
- Rich Drewes, James Maciokas,
Sushil J. Louis, and Philip Goodman.
An evolutionary autonomous agent with visual cortex and recurrent spiking
columnar neural network.
In Proceedings of the 2004 Genetic and Evolutionary Computing Conference
(GECCO 2004), Seattle, WA, pages 257–258, 2004.
(PDF, 79938 bytes)
- Judy Johnson and Sushil J.
Case-initialized genetic algorithms
for knowledge extraction and incorporation.
In Knowledge Incorporation in Evolutionary Computation, pages
57–80, 2004.
(PostScript, 23 pages, 783970 bytes)
(PDF, 230801 bytes)
- Sushil J. Louis.
Evolutionary learning from
Journal of Engineering Optimization, 26(2):237–247, 2004.
(PostScript, 105318 bytes)
(PDF, 105318 bytes)
- Sushil J. Louis.
Genetic learning for combinational
logic design.
Journal of Soft Computing, 9(1):38–43, 2004.
(PostScript, 7 pages, 432084 bytes)
(PDF, 129211 bytes)
- Sushil J. Louis and John
Learning with case injected genetic algorithms.
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 8(4):316–328,
- Sushil J. Louis and Anil K.
Context learning can improve user
In Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Information
Reuse and Integration (IRI - 2004), Las Vegas, NV, pages 115–120,
(PostScript, 6 pages, 1055524 bytes)
(PDF, 166814 bytes)
- Sushil J. Louis, Chris Miles,
Nicholas Cole, and John McDonnell.
Playing to train: Case-injected
genetic algorithms for strategic computer gaming.
In Proceedings of the first Workshop on Military and Security
Applications of Evolutionary Computation, Seattle, WA, pages 6–12,
(PostScript, 6 pages, 4708670 bytes)
(PDF, 179800 bytes)
- R.C. Mancini, S.J. Louis,
I.E. Golovkin, L.A. Welser,
Y. Ochi, H. Nishimura, J.A.
Koch, R.W. Lee, J.A. Delettrez,
F.J. Marshall, and L. Klein.
Multi-objective spectroscopic data analysis of inertial confinement fusion
implosion cores: Plasma gradient determination.
In Applications of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms, pages
341–361, 2004.
(PDF, 649171 bytes)
- Chris
Miles, Sushil J. Louis, Nicholas Cole, and
John McDonnell.
Learning to play like a
human: Case injected genetic algorithms for strategic computer gaming.
In Proceedings of the International Congress on Evolutionary Computation,
Portland, Oregon, pages 1441–1448. IEEE Press, 2004.
(PostScript, 8 pages, 14722236 bytes)
(PDF, 419253 bytes)
- Chris Miles, Sushil J.
Louis, and Rich Drewes.
Trap avoidance in strategic
computer game playing with case injected genetic algorithms.
In Proceedings of the 2004 Genetic and Evolutionary Computing Conference
(GECCO 2004), Seattle, WA, pages 1365–1376, 2004.
(PostScript, 12 pages, 3902177 bytes)
(PDF, 277113 bytes)
- Rich Drewes, Sushil J. Louis,
Chris Miles, John McDonnell, and
Nick Gizzi.
Use of case injection to bias genetic algorithm solution of similar problems.
In Proceedings of the International Congress on Evolutionary Computation,
Canberra, Australia. IEEE Press, 2003.
(PostScript, 8 pages, 161523 bytes)
(PDF, 84273 bytes)
- Sushil J.
Genetic learning from experience.
In Proceedings of the International Congress on Evolutionary Computation,
Canberra, Australia. IEEE Press, 2003.
(PostScript, 8 pages, 304029 bytes)
(PDF, 101392 bytes)
- Sushil J.
Learning for evolutionary
In Proceedings of the 2003 NASA/DoD Conference on Evolvable Hardware,
Chicago, USA, pages 17 – 23, 2003.
(PostScript, 4 pages, 174709 bytes)
(PDF, 96564 bytes)
- Sushil J. Louis and Gary L.
Genetic algorithm calibration of probabilistic cellular automata for modeling
mining permit activity.
In Proceedings of the International Confernence on Tools for AI (ICTAI)
2003, Sacramento, CA. IEEE Press, 2003.
(PostScript, 5 pages, 230618 bytes)
(PDF, 79548 bytes)
- Sushil J. Louis, John
McDonnell, Doan Hohmeyer, Lisa Heinsleman, and
Andrew Walker.
A case study in object oriented modeling, architecting, and designing an
enterprise monitoring application.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering
Research and Practice, Volume II, 2003.
(PDF, 289104 bytes)
- Jeff Wallace and Sushil J.
Taming a flood with a t-cup - designing flood control structures with a genetic
In Proceedings of the 2003 Genetic and Evolutionary Computing Conference
(GECCO 2003), Chicago, Illinois, 2003.
(PostScript, 2 pages, 312953 bytes)
(PDF, 55897 bytes)
- George Bebis, Sushil J.
Louis, Yaakov Varol, and Angelo Yfantis.
Genetic object recognition using combination of views.
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 6(2):132–146,
- I. Golovkin, R. Mancini,
S. Louis, K. Fujita,
H. Nishimura, H. Shirga,
H. Azechi, R. Butzbach,
I. Uschmann, J. Delettrez,
J. Koch, R. W. Lee, and
L. Klein.
Spectroscopic determination of dynamic plasma gradients in implosion core.
Physical Review Letters, 88(4), 2002.
(PDF, 346381 bytes)
- I. Golovkin, R. Mancini, and
S. J. Louis.
Analysis of x-ray spectral data with genetic algorithms.
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,
75:625–636, 2002.
(PDF, 269787 bytes)
- Igor E. Golovkin, Sushil J.
Louis, and Roberto C. Mancini.
Parallel implementation of niched pareto genetic algorithm code for x-ray
plasma spectroscopy.
In Proceedings of the World Congress on Computational Intelligence, IEEE
Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Honolulu, Hawaii, pages
1820–1824, 2002.
(PDF, 95232 bytes)
- Kerry Gruber, Jason Baurick,
and Sushil J. Louis.
Evolution of complex behavoir controllers using genetic algorithms.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(IC-AI), Las Vegas, Nevada, 2002.
(PDF, 9007616 bytes)
- Sushil J. Louis.
Genetic learning for combinational logic design.
In Proceedings of the GECCO-2002 Workshop on Approximation and Learning
in Evolutionary Computation, New York, NY, pages 21–26, 2002.
(PostScript, 6 pages, 389540 bytes)
(PDF, 131520 bytes)
- Sushil J.
Learning from experience: Case
injected genetic algorithm design of combinational logic circuits.
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Adaptive
Computing in Design and Manufacturing, Exeter, UK, pages 295–306.
Springer-Verlag, 2002.
(PostScript, 12 pages, 440873 bytes)
(PDF, 180297 bytes)
- Sushil J. Louis, John
McDonnell, and N. Gizzi.
Dynamic strike force asset allocation
using genetic algorithms and case-based reasoning.
In Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and
Informatics. Orlando, pages 855–861, 2002.
(PostScript, 6 pages, 433637 bytes)
(PDF, 182877 bytes)
- John McDonnell, Nicholas
Gizzi, and Sushil J. Louis.
Strike force asset
allocation using genetic search.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(IC-AI), Las Vegas, Nevada, 2002.
(PostScript, 5 pages, 325257 bytes)
(PDF, 130083 bytes)
- Zehang
Sun, george Bebis, Xiaojing Yuan, and
Sushil J. Louis.
Genetic feature subset selection for gender classification.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision,
Orland, Florida. IEEE Press, 2002.
(PDF, 662350 bytes)
- Zehang
Sun, Xiaojing Yuan, George Bebis, and
Sushil J. Louis.
Neural-network-based gender classification using genetic eigen-feature
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Joint Conference on
Neural-Networks. IEEE Press, 2002.
(PDF, 267715 bytes)
- I.E. Golovkin, R. Mancini,
S.Louis, Y. Ochi, K. Fujita,
I. Niki, H. Nishimura,
I. Uschmann, R. Butzbach,
E. Förster, C. Back, R. Lee,
L. Klein, and J. Delettrez.
A genetic algorithm search & optimization technique for the spectroscopic
determination of gradients in icf cores.
In Proceedings of the 12th Topical Conference on Atomic Processes in
Plasmas, Reno, NV, 2000.
(PDF, 1461968 bytes)
- I.E. Golovkin, R. Mancini,
S.Louis, Y. Ochi, K. Fujita,
I. Niki, H. Nishimura,
I. Uschmann, R. Butzbach,
E. Förster, C. Back, R. Lee,
L. Klein, and J. Delettrez.
A genetic algorithm search & optimization technique for the spectroscopic
determination of gradients in icf cores.
In Proceedings of the 13th Topical Conference on High Temperature Plasma
Diagnostics, Tucson, Arizona, 2000.
(PDF, 306787 bytes)
- I.E. Golovkin, R. Mancini,
S.Louis, Y. Ochi, K. Fujita,
H. Nishimura, R. Butzbach,
I. Uschmann, E. Förster,
R. Lee, and L. Klein.
Multi-criteria search and optimization: an application to x-ray plasma
In Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, San
Diego, California, pages 1521–1526, 2000.
(PDF, 125963 bytes)
- Sushil J. Louis and Gong Li.
Case injected genetic algorithms for traveling salesman problems.
Information Sciences, 122:210–225, 2000.
- M. Sami Fadali, Yongmian
Zhang, and Sushil J. Louis.
stability analysis of discrete-time systems using genetic algorithms.
IEEE Transactions on System, Man and Cybernetics, Part A, 29(5),
(PostScript, 6 pages, 497407 bytes)
(PDF, 206010 bytes)
- Igor E. Golovkin and Sushil J.
x-ray spectra analysis using genetic algorithms.
In Proceedings of the 1999 Genetic and Evolutionary Computing Conference
(GECCO 1999), Orlando, Florida, 1999.
(PostScript, 6 pages, 973496 bytes)
(PDF, 240841 bytes)
- Sushil J. Louis and Rilun
Interactive genetic
algorithms for the traveling salesman problem.
In Proceedings of the 1999 Genetic and Evolutionary Computing Conference
(GECCO 1999), Orlando, Florida, 1999.
(PostScript, 8 pages, 4312336 bytes)
(PDF, 374268 bytes)
- Sushil J. Louis and Yongmian
A sequential
similarity metric for case injected genetic algorithms applied to tsps.
In Proceedings of the 1999 Genetic and Evolutionary Computing Conference
(GECCO 1999), Orlando, Florida, 1999.
(PostScript, 8 pages, 688174 bytes)
(PDF, 175039 bytes)
- Sushil J. Louis, Q. Chen,
and S. Pullamanapalil.
Seismic velocity inversion
with genetic algorithms.
In Proceedings of the 1999 Congress on Evolutionary Computation,
pages 855–861. IEEE Press, 1999.
(Gzipped PostScript, 12 pages, 281511 bytes)
(PDF, 261308 bytes)
- Sushil J. Louis, Xiangying
Yin, and Zhen Ya Yuan.
vehicle routing with time windows using genetic algorithms.
In Proceedings of the 1999 Congress on Evolutionary Computation,
Washington D.C., pages 1804–1808. IEEE Press, 1999.
(Gzipped PostScript, 10 pages, 78578 bytes)
(PDF, 118367 bytes)
- Sushil J. Louis and
J. Johnson.
Solving similar problems using
genetic algorithms and case-based memory.
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Genetic
Algorithms, pages 283–290. Morgan Kauffman, San Mateo, CA, 1997.
(PostScript, 8 pages, 360765 bytes)
(PDF, 33816 bytes)
- Sushil J. Louis and Gan Li.
Combining robot control strategies
using genetic algorithms with memory.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Evolutionary Programming VI,
1213:431 – 442, 1997.
(PostScript, 11 pages, 399455 bytes)
(PDF, 165707 bytes)
- Sushil J. Louis and Gong Li.
Augmenting genetic algorithms with memory
to solve traveling salesman problems.
In Paul P. Wang, editor, Proceedings of the Third Joint
Conference on Information Sciences, Duke University, pages 108–111,
(PostScript, 4 pages, 304637 bytes)
(PDF, 131475 bytes)
- Sushil J. Louis, Fang Zhao,
and Xiaogang Zeng.
Using parallel genetic algorithms for predicting flaw characteristics in
2-dimensional plates.
In Book Chapter in Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering
Applications. Springer-Verlag, 1997.
- Tom Andrews and Sushil J.
Predicting user commands.
In Proceedings of the ISCA 11th International Conference on Computers and
Their Applications., pages 1 – 5, Raleigh, NC, USA, 1996.
International Society for Computers and Their Applications.
- Zhijie Xu
and Sushil J. Louis.
Genetic algorithms for open shop scheduling and re-scheduling.
In Proceedings of the ISCA 11th International Conference on Computers and
Their Applications., pages 99–102, Raleigh, NC, USA, 1996.
International Society for Computers and Their Applications.
(PostScript, 4 pages, 276468 bytes)
(PDF, 114908 bytes)
- John S. Gero and Sushil J.
Improving pareto optimal designs using genetic algorithms.
Microcomputers in Civil Engineering, 10(4):241–249, 1995.
(PostScript, 25 pages, 478483 bytes)
(PDF, 243426 bytes)
- Sushil J.
Working from blueprints: Evolutionary
learning in design.
Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, 11(3):335–341, 1995.
(PostScript, 13 pages, 218657 bytes)
(PDF, 161070 bytes)
- Sushil J. Louis and Fang
Domain knowledge for genetic
International Journal of Expert Systems Research and Applications,
8(3):195–212, 1995.
(PostScript, 27 pages, 416661 bytes)
(PDF, 281222 bytes)
- Sushil J. Louis, Li Li, and
Serdar Ozalaybey.
Genetic algorithms for seismic travel-time inversion.
In Proceedings of the ISCA Conference on Engineering and Medical
Applications, Raleigh, NC, USA, 1995. International Society for
Computers and Their Applications.
- Fang Zhao,
Sushil J. Louis, and Xiaogang Zeng.
A genetic algorithm for inverse problems of flaw detection.
In Proceedings of the Fourth Golden West International Conference on
Intelligent Systems, 1995.
- John S.
Gero, Sushil J. Louis, and Sourav Kundu.
Evolutionary learning of novel grammars for design improvement.
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and
Manufacturing, 8(3):83–94, 1994.
(PostScript, 23 pages, 310059 bytes)
(PDF, 242372 bytes)
- Sushil J. Louis and Fang
Incorporating problem specific information in genetic algorithms.
In Proceedings of the 1994 Florida AI Research Symposium, pages
118–123, 1994.
- Sushil J. Louis and Gregory
J. E. Rawlins.
Pareto optimality, ga-easiness and deception.
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Genetic
Algorithms, pages 118–123. Morgan Kauffman, San Mateo, CA, 1993.
(PostScript, 6 pages, 157889 bytes)
(PDF, 113452 bytes)
- Sushil J. Louis and Gregory
J. E. Rawlins.
Syntactic analysis of convergence in genetic algorithms.
In L. Darrel Whitley, editor, Foundations of Genetic
Algorithms - 2, pages 141–152. Morgan Kauffman, San Mateo, CA, 1993.
(PostScript, 11 pages, 154413 bytes)
(PDF, 2217 bytes)
- Sushil J.
Louis, Gary McGraw, and Richard Wyckoff.
Case-based reasoning assisted
explanation of genetic algorithm results.
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence,
5:21–37, 1993.
(PostScript, 25 pages, 326652 bytes)
(PDF, 247197 bytes)
- Sushil J.
Louis and Gregory J. E. Rawlins.
Designer genetic algorithms: Genetic algorithms in structure design.
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Genetic
Algorithms, pages 53–60. Morgan Kauffman, San Mateo, CA, 1991.
(PostScript, 8 pages, 344873 bytes)
(PDF, 160053 bytes)
- My thesis: Genetic Algorithms as a Computational Tool for Design . Also available in Postscript and in pdf .