Department of Computer Science & Engineering
CS365 Mathematics of Computer Science (Spring 2007)
Meets: TR 2:30 - 3:45 pm (SEM 344)
Dr. George Bebis
- Email:
- Phone:
(775) 784-6463
- Office : 235 SEM
- Office Hours: TR 10:30 am - 12:30 pm and by appointment
K. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications McGraw Hill, 6th edition, 2006.
Optional Text:
D. Malik and M. Sen, "Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications", Thomson Course Technology, 2004.
Data Structures (CS 302), Calculus II (MATH 182). If you do not meet the
prerequisite requirements for this course, you should see me immediately.
The primary purpose of this course is to enhance students' reasoning and
problem-solving abilities, in both a general context and in terms of solving
computing-related problems. Specifcially, the course has the following
Familiarize students with the concepts and applications of
computing - and engineering-related mathematics.
Teach students how to think mathematically and algorithmically.
Emphasize the combination of computational reasoning and
problem-solving skills.
Introduce students to discrete structures and combinatorics.
Course Outline (tentative)
- Propositional Logic
- Predicate Logic
- Methods of Proof
- Set Theory
- Functions
- Algorithms
- Matrices
- Sequences and Summations
- Mathematical Induction
- Recursion
- Combinatorics
- Probability
- Relations
- Graphs
- Trees
Exams and Assignments
Grading will be based on two exams, quizzes, homework, a course project, and
a short presentation. Specifically, there will be several quizzes in class
which will be announced at least one class period in advance. Homework problems
will be assigned and collected for grading on a regular basis. Odd-numbered
homework assignments will be done on an individual basis while even-numbered
homework assignments will be done in groups. Homework solutions will be made
available within a week of the due date for the assignment. There will be two
exams, a midterm and a final. The material covered by the exams will be drawn
from the lectures, the quizzes, and the homework. The course project will have
both individual and team components. Specifics and due dates will be announced
in class. Each group of students will have to prepare a short presentation on a
contemporary issue related to discrete mathematics. Presentation topics will
be decided in coordination with the instructor. The presentations should be
professional as if it was presented in a formal conference (i.e.,
slides/projector). The last quiz will be based on material related to the
student presentations.
Course Policies
Lecture slides, homework assignments, and other useful information will be
posted on the course web page. Regular attendance is highly recommended. If
you miss a class, you are responsible for all material covered or assigned in
class. Discussion of the assignments is allowed and encouraged between students.
However, each student would be expected to do his/her own work. Assignments
which are too similar will receive a zero. No late homework or project report
will be accepted. If you are unable to hand in your homework or project report
by the designated deadline, you must notify me before the deadline.
No incomplete grades (INC) will be given in this course and a missed quiz/exam
may be made up only if it was missed due to an extreme emergency.
Disability Statement
Any student with a disability needing academic accomodations is requested
to speak with me or contact the Disability Resource Center (Thompson Building,
Suite 101), as soon as possible to arrange for appropriate accomodations.
Summer Research Opportunities
Helpful Material
Homework Assignments
- HW 1 (Due on 2/6/07)
- HW 2 (Due on 2/20/07)
- HW 3 (Due date: 3/6/07)
- HW 4 (Due date: 4/10/07)
- HW 5 (Due date: 4/24/07)
- HW 6 (Due date: 5/1/07)
Presentation Topics
1. Fuzzy Logic, IEEE Potentials, January/February 2006 (6 pages)
2. Software as Math, IEEE Potentials, October/November 1997 (3 pages)
3. Number Theory, IEEE Potentials, October 1989 (4 pages)
4. Can You Trust Your Computer?, IEEE Potentials, April 1990 (4 pages)
5. Automated Reasoning, IEEE Potentials, December 1993 (3 pages)
6. Chaos and its computing paradigm, IEEE Potentials, April/May 2005 (3 pages)
7. Automated Theorem Proving
8. Logic Puzzles; also, see pages 13-14 in our textbook and problems 55-60 on page 20 (solutions will be provided)
9. Creative Uses of Mathematical Induction, pages 276-278 in our text book
10. Program Correctness, pages 322-327 in our textbook
11. Generating Permutations and Combinations, pages 382-385 in our textbook
12. Probabilistic Spam Filters, pages 421-423 in our textbook
13. Logic Programming and Prolog, also see pages 45-46 in our textbook; additional material will be provided
Presentation Guidelines
1. Presentations should be professional as if it was presented in a formal conference (i.e., powerpoint slides/projector).
2. Your goal is to educate and inform your audience. Make sure your presentation follows a logical sequence. Help the audience understand how successive definitions and results are related to each other and to the big picture.
3. You should have your remarks prepared and somewhat memorized. You may use notes, however if your notes were somehow lost or destroyed you should be able to give your presentation anyway. Reading from your notes excessively will be a very bad thing...
4. Anticipate Questions: think of the five most likely questions and plan out your answer Understand the Question: paraphrase it if necessary; repeat it if needed. Do Not Digress. Be Honest: if you can't answer the question, say so
5. Each group's material is different but 15 - 20 minutes each should be more than adequate time for your presentation.
6. Meet the eyes of your audience from time to time.
7. Vary the tone of your voice and be careful to speak clearly and not talk too quickly.
8. Be as confident and upbeat as possible. Everyone will eventually be where you are and we really do want you to do well.
Course Project
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Nevada,
Reno, NV 89557